In interior design projects, there is no doubt that aesthetics plays an important part. But as we all know, in the end, the price needs to be right – for every party involved: from supplier to dealer to customer. With the online application pCon.basket PRO you have the tools at hand to flexibly combine price conditions and calculate the price that does right by everybody.
Experience flexible, incredibly fast online price calculation with pCon.basket PRO. Define special purchase conditions for suppliers or specific product lines that will apply to all the projects you are working on with your account in pCon.basket PRO. Add special discounts and upcharges to single products, and include additional conditions on header level while always having an eye on your margin.
Benefit from the flexibility of freely combining pricing conditions – from article to header to user settings level, for purchase as well as sales conditions.
Of course, you are profiting from the pCon characteristic 3D product configuration that allows you to quickly change product features and immediately provides you with the matching visual and prices. It all comes together in the report at the end. With a mouse click, you can flexibly determine whether the applied discounts and upcharges are shown there as well.
pCon.basket PRO works with your pCon account, which means, once a pCon.basket PRO license is activated for your pCon account, you can immediately start working with the data of your suppliers.