Our online CPQ software pCon.basket PRO and pCon.basket CE, the free community tool for creating article lists, as well as the variant for integration have received an update.
Right on time for the release of pCon.basket 2.13, we are excited to introduce new features that further streamline offer processing, enhance the management of pricing conditions, and provide greater flexibility in form customization. More detailed information about the new features of version 2.13 can be found in this document and in the pCon.basket online help.
We’ve all been there: you’re working on a quotation, want to save it, but have to go through the cumbersome process of downloading and re-uploading. With the new update, that’s a thing of the past! From now on, you can open and save offers (OBK files) directly – no detours. You can work locally on your offers and save changes directly to your directory, which can also sync with a cloud storage solution. An Office365 account is no longer strictly necessary for this.
To avoid wasting time searching for your last worked-on projects, pCon.basket now offers the ability to access a list of recently used files. Up to 20 entries are available – your most important offers are just a click away.
The new recycle bin feature provides added security when editing your offers. If you accidentally delete an article, you can now easily restore it. Deleted articles remain available in the recycle bin during the session, sorted by deletion time, and can be returned to the project with just a few clicks. This way, you maintain full control, even when making extensive changes.
In version 2.13, you can now not only import but also export pricing condition profiles. This makes it easier to collaborate with other project participants or use your pricing structures in different projects. The profiles are exported as CSV files and can be re-imported into other projects as needed – perfect for flexible and consistent pricing.
With the new “Management Overview” template, you can keep an eye on all relevant information for calculating a project. The template summarizes purchasing and sales calculations as well as margins by manufacturer and series. This allows you to quickly assess the order volume and profitability of a project. Particularly useful: you can control whether individual positions and optional articles are included in the overview. This management template efficiently compiles the most important information and automatically adjusts to the project volume, whether printing on DIN A3 or DIN A4.
pCon.basket 2.13 not only provides new templates but also enhanced options that make working with existing forms even more comfortable. New features include the ability to display the total price, including optional items. Additionally, you can choose to show, hide, or replace the external item number as needed. For a more tailored calculation overview, you can also decide whether to display the percentage head discount or just the absolute final value. These options work for all forms and offer greater flexibility in display.
For those creating custom catalogs, managing images has become even easier. You can now reference images directly by name without manually linking them in the Excel table. A dedicated image folder simplifies the management of your catalog images, ensuring a more efficient handling of your articles.
The update brings numerous improvements that will make your workday easier. Take advantage of the new features and make your projects even more efficient with pCon.basket Online 2.13! Discover these and other new features in pCon.basket today.
pCon.basket PRO and CE work with your pCon account. Take a look at pCon-solutions.com/basket for more information and to get a trial version of pCon.basket PRO.
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